Namespace Discord
- ActionRowBuilder
Represents a class used to build Action rows.
- ActionRowComponent
Represents a IMessageComponent Row for child components to live in.
- AddGuildUserProperties
Properties that are used to add a new IGuildUser to the guild with the following parameters.
- AllowedMentions
Defines which mentions and types of mentions that will notify users from the message content.
- ApplicationCommandOptionChoiceProperties
Represents a choice for a IApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption. This class is used when making new commands.
- ApplicationCommandOptionProperties
Represents a IApplicationCommandOption for making slash commands.
- ApplicationCommandPermission
Application command permissions allow you to enable or disable commands for specific users or roles within a guild.
- ApplicationCommandProperties
Represents the base class to create/modify application commands.
- ApplicationEmoteProperties
Represents the properties for an application emote.
- ApplicationInstallParams
Represents install parameters for an application.
- AsyncEnumerableExtensions
An extension class for squashing IAsyncEnumerable<T>.
- Attachment
Represents a message attachment found in a IUserMessage.
- AudioChannelProperties
Provides properties that are used to modify an IAudioChannel with the specified changes.
- AutoModRuleAction
Represents an action that will be preformed if a user breaks an IAutoModRule.
- AutoModRuleActionProperties
Provides properties used to modify a AutoModRuleAction.
- AutoModRuleProperties
Provides properties used to modify a IAutoModRule.
- AutocompleteOption
Represents an autocomplete option.
- AutocompleteResult
Represents a result to an autocomplete interaction.
- BotGateway
Stores the gateway information related to the current bot.
- ButtonBuilder
Represents a class used to build ButtonComponent's.
- ButtonComponent
Represents a IMessageComponent Button.
Represents a class containing the strings related to various Content Delivery Networks (CDNs).
- ComponentBuilder
Represents a builder for creating a MessageComponent.
- CustomStatusGame
A user's activity for their custom status.
- DiscordClientExtensions
An extension class for the Discord client.
- DiscordComparers
Represents a collection of IEqualityComparer<T> for various Discord objects.
- DiscordConfig
Defines various behaviors of Discord.Net.
- Embed
Represents an embed object seen in an IUserMessage.
- EmbedAuthorBuilder
Represents a builder class for a author field.
- EmbedBuilderExtensions
An extension class for building an embed.
- EmbedFieldBuilder
Represents a builder class for an embed field.
- EmbedFooterBuilder
Represents a builder class for an embed footer.
- Emoji
A Unicode emoji.
- Emote
A custom image-based emote.
- EmoteProperties
Provides properties that are used to modify an Emote with the specified changes.
- Format
A helper class for formatting characters.
- Game
A user's game status.
- GameSecrets
Party secret for a RichGame object.
- GameTimestamps
Timestamps for a RichGame object.
- GuildApplicationCommandPermission
Returned when fetching the permissions for a command in a guild.
- GuildChannelProperties
Properties that are used to modify an IGuildChannel with the specified changes.
- GuildEmote
An image-based emote that is attached to a guild.
- GuildExtensions
An extension class for IGuild.
- GuildOnboardingPromptOptionProperties
Represents properties used to create or modify guild onboarding prompt option.
- GuildOnboardingPromptProperties
Represents properties used to create or modify guild onboarding prompt.
- GuildOnboardingProperties
Represents properties used to create or modify guild onboarding.
- GuildProperties
Provides properties that are used to modify an IGuild with the specified changes.
- GuildScheduledEventsProperties
Provides properties that are used to modify an IGuildScheduledEvent with the specified changes.
- GuildUserProperties
Properties that are used to modify an IGuildUser with the following parameters.
- GuildWidgetProperties
Provides properties that are used to modify the widget of an IGuild with the specified changes.
- MemberSearchPropertiesV2
Represents the properties for searching members in a guild.
- MentionUtils
Provides a series of helper methods for parsing mentions.
- MessageActivity
An activity object found in a sent message.
- MessageCommandBuilder
A class used to build Message commands.
- MessageCommandProperties
A class used to create message commands.
- MessageComponent
Represents a component object used to send components with messages.
- MessageExtensions
Provides extension methods for IMessage.
- MessageInteraction<TUser>
Represents a partial IDiscordInteraction within a message.
- MessageProperties
Properties that are used to modify an IUserMessage with the specified changes.
- MessageReference
Contains the IDs sent from a crossposted message or inline reply.
- MessageRoleSubscriptionData
Represents a role subscription data in IMessage.
- Modal
Represents a modal interaction.
- ModalBuilder
Represents a builder for creating a Modal.
- ModalComponent
Represents a component object used in Modals.
- ModalComponentBuilder
Represents a builder for creating a ModalComponent.
- ModifyApplicationProperties
Represents properties used to modify current application's bot.
- PartialGuild
Represents a partial guild object.
- PermissionUtils
Provides a series of helper methods for permissions.
- PollMediaProperties
Properties used to create a poll question.
- PollProperties
Properties used to create a poll.
- ReorderChannelProperties
Provides properties that are used to reorder an IGuildChannel.
- ReorderRoleProperties
Properties that are used to reorder an IRole.
- RequestOptions
Represents options that should be used when sending a request.
- RichGame
A user's Rich Presence status.
- RoleConnection
Represents the connection object that the user has attached.
- RoleConnectionMetadata
Represents the role connection metadata object.
- RoleConnectionMetadataProperties
Properties object used to create or modify RoleConnectionMetadata object.
- RoleConnectionProperties
Represents the properties used to modify user's RoleConnection.
- RoleProperties
Properties that are used to modify an IRole with the specified changes.
- RoleTags
Provides tags related to a discord role.
- SelectMenuBuilder
Represents a class used to build SelectMenuComponent's.
- SelectMenuComponent
Represents a select menu component defined at
- SelectMenuOption
Represents a choice for a SelectMenuComponent.
- SelectMenuOptionBuilder
Represents a class used to build SelectMenuOption's.
- SelfUserProperties
Properties that are used to modify the ISelfUser with the specified changes.
- SessionStartLimit
Stores the information related to the gateway identify request.
- SlashCommandBuilder
Represents a class used to build slash commands.
- SlashCommandOptionBuilder
Represents a class used to build options for the SlashCommandBuilder.
- SlashCommandProperties
Represents a class used to create slash commands.
- SnowflakeUtils
Provides a series of helper methods for handling snowflake identifiers.
- SpotifyGame
A user's activity for listening to a song on Spotify.
- StageInstanceProperties
Represents properties to use when modifying a stage instance.
- StickerPack<TSticker>
Represents a discord sticker pack.
- StickerProperties
Represents a class used to modify stickers.
- StreamingGame
A user's activity for streaming on services such as Twitch.
- TextChannelProperties
Provides properties that are used to modify an ITextChannel with the specified changes.
- TextInputBuilder
Represents a builder for creating a TextInputComponent.
- TextInputComponent
Represents a IMessageComponent text input.
- ThreadChannelProperties
Provides properties that are used to modify an IThreadChannel with the specified changes.
- TokenUtils
Provides a series of helper methods for handling Discord login tokens.
- UserCommandBuilder
A class used to build user commands.
- UserCommandProperties
A class used to create User commands.
- UserExtensions
An extension class for various Discord user objects.
- VoiceChannelProperties
Provides properties that are used to modify an IVoiceChannel with the specified changes.
- WebhookProperties
Properties used to modify an IWebhook with the specified changes.
- ApplicationCommandInteractionMetadata
Represents the metadata of an application command interaction.
- BulkBanResult
Represents a result of a bulk ban.
- Cacheable<TEntity, TId>
Represents a cached entity.
- Color
Represents a color used in Discord.
- DiscordError
Represents an error with a property.
- DiscordJsonError
Represents a generic parsed json error received from discord after performing a rest request.
- EmbedAuthor
A author field of an Embed.
- EmbedField
A field for an Embed.
- EmbedFooter
A footer field for an Embed.
- EmbedImage
An image for an Embed.
- EmbedProvider
A provider field for an Embed.
- EmbedThumbnail
A thumbnail featured in an Embed.
- EmbedVideo
A video featured in an Embed.
- FileAttachment
Represents an outgoing file attachment used to send a file to discord.
- ForumTag
A struct representing a forum channel tag.
- GuildProductPurchase
Represents a guild product purchase.
- Image
An image that will be uploaded to Discord.
- LogMessage
Provides a message object used for logging purposes.
- MemberSearchFilter
Represents the query parameters for searching members in a guild.
- MemberSearchPaginationFilter
Represents the after property for searching members in a guild.
- MemberSearchV2Range
Represents the range properties for searching members in a guild.
- MemberSearchV2SafetySignalsProperties
Represents the safety signal properties for searching members in a guild.
- MessageCallData
Represents the call data of a message.
- MessageComponentInteractionMetadata
Represents the metadata of a component interaction.
- MessageSnapshot
Represents a snapshot of a message.
- ModalSubmitInteractionMetadata
Represents the metadata of a modal interaction.
- Overwrite
Represent a permission object.
- OverwritePermissions
Represents a container for a series of overwrite permissions.
- Poll
Represents a poll object.
- PollAnswer
Represents a poll answer object.
- PollAnswerCounts
Represents a poll answer counts object.
- PollMedia
Represents a poll media object.
- PollResults
Represents the results of a poll.
- PurchaseNotification
Represents a purchase notification.
- ReactionMetadata
A metadata containing reaction information.
- SelectMenuDefaultValue
Represents a default value of an auto-populated select menu.
- TimestampTag
Represents a class used to make timestamps in messages. see
- IApplication
Represents a Discord application created via the developer portal.
- IApplicationCommand
The base command model that belongs to an application.
- IApplicationCommandInteraction
Represents an application command interaction.
- IApplicationCommandInteractionData
Represents data of an Interaction Command, see
- IApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption
Represents a option group for a command.
- IApplicationCommandOption
Options for the IApplicationCommand.
- IApplicationCommandOptionChoice
Specifies choices for command group.
- IAttachment
Represents a message attachment found in a IUserMessage.
- IAudioChannel
Represents a generic audio channel.
- IAuditLogData
Represents data applied to an IAuditLogEntry.
- IAuditLogEntry
Represents a generic audit log entry.
- IAutoModRule
Represents a auto mod rule within a guild.
- IAutocompleteInteraction
Represents a ApplicationCommandAutocomplete.
- IAutocompleteInteractionData
Represents data for a slash commands autocomplete interaction.
- IBan
Represents a generic ban object.
- ICategoryChannel
Represents a generic category channel.
- IChannel
Represents a generic channel.
- IComponentInteraction
Represents an interaction type for Message Components.
- IComponentInteractionData
Represents the data sent with the IComponentInteraction.
- ICustomSticker
Represents a custom sticker within a guild.
- IDMChannel
Represents a generic direct-message channel.
- IDeletable
Determines whether the object is deletable or not.
- IDiscordClient
Represents a generic Discord client.
- IDiscordInteraction
Represents a discord interaction.
- IDiscordInteractionData
Represents an interface used to specify classes that they are a valid data type of a IDiscordInteraction class.
- IEmbed
Represents a Discord embed object.
- IEmote
Represents a general container for any type of emote in a message.
- IForumChannel
Represents a forum channel in a guild that can create posts.
- IForumTag
Represents a Discord forum tag
- IGroupChannel
Represents a generic private group channel.
- IGroupUser
Represents a Discord user that is in a group.
- IGuild
Represents a generic guild/server.
- IGuildChannel
Represents a generic guild channel.
- IGuildOnboarding
Represents the guild onboarding flow.
- IGuildOnboardingPrompt
Represents the guild onboarding prompt.
- IGuildOnboardingPromptOption
Represents the guild onboarding prompt option.
- IGuildScheduledEvent
Represents a generic guild scheduled event.
- IGuildUser
Represents a generic guild user.
- IIntegration
Holds information for an integration feature. Nullable fields not provided for Discord bot integrations, but are for Twitch etc.
- IIntegrationAccount
Provides the account information for an IIntegration.
- IIntegrationApplication
Provides the bot/OAuth2 application for an IIntegration.
- IIntegrationChannel
Represents a channel in a guild that can create webhooks.
- IInteractionContext
Represents the context of an Interaction.
- IInvite
Represents a generic invite object.
- IInviteMetadata
Represents additional information regarding the generic invite object.
- IMediaChannel
Represents a media channel in a guild that can create posts.
- IMentionable
Determines whether the object is mentionable or not.
- IMessage
Represents a message object.
- IMessageChannel
Represents a generic channel that can send and receive messages.
- IMessageCommandInteraction
Represents a Message Command interaction.
- IMessageCommandInteractionData
Represents the data tied with the IMessageCommandInteraction interaction.
- IMessageComponent
Represents a message component on a message.
- IMessageInteraction
Represents a partial IDiscordInteraction within a message.
- IMessageInteractionMetadata
Represents the metadata of an interaction.
- IModalInteraction
Represents an interaction type for Modals.
- IModalInteractionData
Represents the data sent with the IModalInteraction.
- INestedChannel
Represents a type of guild channel that can be nested within a category.
- INewsChannel
Represents a generic news channel in a guild that can send and receive messages.
- IPresence
Represents the user's presence status. This may include their online status and their activity.
- IPrivateChannel
Represents a generic channel that is private to select recipients.
- IRateLimitInfo
Represents a generic ratelimit info.
- IReaction
Represents a generic reaction object.
- IRole
Represents a generic role object to be given to a guild user.
- IRouteMatchContainer
Represents a container for temporarily storing CustomId wild card matches of a component.
- IRouteSegmentMatch
Represents an object for storing a CustomId wild card match.
- ISelfUser
Represents the logged-in Discord user.
- ISlashCommandInteraction
Represents a slash command interaction.
- ISnowflakeEntity
Represents a Discord snowflake entity.
- IStageChannel
Represents a generic Stage Channel.
- ISticker
Represents a discord sticker.
- IStickerItem
Represents a partial sticker item received with a message.
- ISubscription
Represents a subscription object.
- ISystemMessage
Represents a generic message sent by the system.
- ITeam
Represents a Discord Team.
- ITeamMember
Represents a Discord Team member.
- ITextChannel
Represents a generic channel in a guild that can send and receive messages.
- IThreadChannel
Represents a thread channel inside of a guild.
- IThreadUser
Represents a Discord thread user.
- IUpdateable
Defines whether the object is updateable or not.
- IUser
Represents a generic user.
- IUserCommandInteraction
Represents a User Command interaction.
- IUserCommandInteractionData
Represents the data tied with the IUserCommandInteraction interaction.
- IUserMessage
Represents a generic message sent by a user.
- IVoiceChannel
Represents a generic voice channel in a guild.
- IVoiceRegion
Represents a region of which the user connects to when using voice.
- IVoiceState
Represents a user's voice connection status.
- IWebhook
Represents a webhook object on Discord.
- IWebhookUser
Represents a Webhook Discord user.
- ActionType
Representing a type of action within an IAuditLogEntry.
- ActivityProperties
Flags for the Flags property, that are ORd together. These describe what the activity payload includes.
- ActivityType
Specifies a Discord user's activity type.
- AllowedMentionTypes
Specifies the type of mentions that will be notified from the message content.
- ApplicationCommandOptionType
The option type of the Slash command parameter, See the discord docs.
- ApplicationCommandPermissionTarget
Specifies the target of the permission.
- ApplicationCommandType
Represents the types of application commands.
- ApplicationFlags
Represents public flags for an application.
- ApplicationIntegrationType
Defines where an application can be installed.
- ApplicationMonetizationEligibilityFlags
Gets the monetization eligibility flags for the application combined as a bitfield.
- AutoModEventType
An enum indecating in what event context a rule should be checked.
- AutoModTriggerType
An enum representing the type of content which can trigger the rule.
- ButtonStyle
Represents different styles to use with buttons. You can see an example of the different styles at
- CacheMode
Specifies the cache mode that should be used.
- ChannelFlags
Represents public flags for a channel.
- ChannelPermission
Defines the available permissions for a channel.
- ChannelType
Defines the types of channels.
- ClientType
Defines the types of clients a user can be active on.
- ComponentType
Represents a type of a component.
- ConnectionState
Specifies the connection state of a client.
- ConnectionVisibility
The visibility of the connected account.
- DefaultMessageNotifications
Specifies the default message notification behavior the guild uses.
- Direction
Specifies the direction of where entities (e.g. bans/messages) should be retrieved from.
- DiscordErrorCode
Represents a set of json error codes received by discord.
- DiscoveryEligibilityFlags
Gets the discovery eligibility flags for the application combined as a bitfield.
- EmbedType
Specifies the type of embed.
- EntitlementType
Represents the type of entitlement.
- ForumLayout
Represents the layout type used to display posts in a forum channel.
- ForumSortOrder
Defines the rule used to order posts in forum channels.
- GuildOnboardingMode
Defines the criteria used to satisfy Onboarding constraints that are required for enabling.
- GuildOnboardingPromptType
Represents the guild onboarding option type.
- GuildPermission
Defines the available permissions for a channel.
- GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel
Represents the privacy level of a guild scheduled event.
- GuildScheduledEventStatus
Represents the status of a guild event.
- GuildScheduledEventType
Represents the type of a guild scheduled event.
- GuildUserFlags
Represents public flags for a guild member.
- ImageFormat
Specifies the type of format the image should return in.
- IntegrationExpireBehavior
The behavior of expiring subscribers for an IIntegration.
- InteractionContextType
Represents a context in Discord where an interaction can be used.
- InteractionResponseType
The response type for an IDiscordInteraction.
- InteractionType
Represents a type of Interaction from discord.
- JoinSourceType
Represents the source of a user joining a guild.
- KeywordPresetTypes
An enum representing preset filter types.
- LogSeverity
Specifies the severity of the log message.
- LoginState
Specifies the state of the client's login status.
- MemberSearchV2SortType
Represents the sort type for searching members in a guild.
- MembershipState
Represents the membership state of a team member.
- MessageReferenceType
Determines how associated data is populated.
- MessageSource
Specifies the source of the Discord message.
- MessageType
Specifies the type of message.
- MfaLevel
Specifies the guild's Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) level requirement.
- PermValue
Specifies the permission value.
- PermissionTarget
Specifies the target of the permission.
- PremiumType
Specifies the type of subscription a user is subscribed to.
- PurchaseType
Represents the type of purchase notification.
- RetryMode
Specifies how a request should act in the case of an error.
- RoleConnectionMetadataType
Represents the type of Application Role Connection Metadata.
- SKUFlags
SKU flags for subscriptions.
- SelectDefaultValueType
Type of a SelectDefaultValueType.
- StagePrivacyLevel
Represents the privacy level of a stage.
- StickerFormatType
Defines the types of formats for stickers.
- StickerType
Represents a type of sticker..
- TagHandling
Specifies the handling type the tag should use.
- TagType
Specifies the type of Discord tag.
- TeamRole
Represents a Discord Team member role.
- ThreadArchiveDuration
Represents the thread auto archive duration.
- ThreadType
Represents types of threads.
- TimestampTagStyles
Represents a set of styles to use with a TimestampTag
- TokenType
Specifies the type of token to use with the client.
- UserStatus
Defines the available Discord user status.
- VerificationLevel
Specifies the verification level the guild uses.
- VideoQualityMode
Represents a video quality mode for voice channels.
- WebhookType
Represents the type of a webhook.