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Enum RoleConnectionMetadataType


Represents the type of Application Role Connection Metadata.

public enum RoleConnectionMetadataType


BoolEqual = 7

The metadata's integer value is equal to the guild's configured value.

BoolNotEqual = 8

The metadata's integer value is equal to the guild's configured value.

DateTimeGreaterOrEqual = 6

The metadata's ISO8601 string value is greater to the guild's configured value.

DateTimeLessOrEqual = 5

The metadata's ISO8601 string value is less or equal to the guild's configured value.

IntegerEqual = 3

The metadata's integer value is equal to the guild's configured value.

IntegerGreaterOrEqual = 2

The metadata's integer value is greater than or equal to the guild's configured value.

IntegerLessOrEqual = 1

The metadata's integer value is less than or equal to the guild's configured value.

IntegerNotEqual = 4

The metadata's integer value is not equal to the guild's configured value.