Table of Contents

Enum ChannelType


Defines the types of channels.

public enum ChannelType


Category = 4

The channel is a category channel.

DM = 1

The channel is a Direct Message channel.

Forum = 15

The channel is a forum channel containing multiple threads.

Group = 3

The channel is a group channel.

GuildDirectory = 14

The channel is a guild directory used in hub servers. (Unreleased)

Media = 16

The channel is a media channel containing multiple threads.

News = 5

The channel is a news channel.

NewsThread = 10

The channel is a temporary thread channel under a news channel.

PrivateThread = 12

The channel is a private temporary thread channel under a text channel.

PublicThread = 11

The channel is a temporary thread channel under a text channel.

Stage = 13

The channel is a stage voice channel.

Store = 6

The channel is a store channel.

Text = 0

The channel is a text channel.

Voice = 2

The channel is a voice channel.