Table of Contents

Enum ApplicationFlags


Represents public flags for an application.

public enum ApplicationFlags


ActiveApplication = 16777216

Indicates if an app is considered active.

ApplicationCommandBadge = 8388608

Indicates if an app has registered global application commands.

Embedded = 131072

Indicates if an app is embedded within the Discord client.

GatewayGuildMembers = 16384

Indicates that the app has been verified to use GUILD_MEMBERS intent.

GatewayGuildMembersLimited = 32768

Indicates that the app has enabled the GUILD_MEMBERS intent on a bot in less than 100 servers.

GatewayMessageContent = 262144

Indicates that the app has been verified to use MESSAGE_CONTENT intent.

GatewayMessageContentLimited = 524288

Indicates that the app has enabled the MESSAGE_CONTENT intent on a bot in less than 100 servers.

GatewayPresence = 4096

Indicates that the app has been verified to use GUILD_PRESENCES intent.

GatewayPresenceLimited = 8192

Indicates that the app has enabled the GUILD_PRESENCES intent on a bot in less than 100 servers.

UsesAutoModApi = 64

Indicates if an app uses the Auto Moderation API.

VerificationPendingGuildLimit = 65536

Indicates unusual growth of an app that prevents verification.