Namespace Discord.WebSocket
- AutoModRuleUpdatedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an auto moderation rule update.
- BaseSocketClient
Represents the base of a WebSocket-based Discord client.
- DiscordSocketClient
Represents a WebSocket-based Discord client.
- DiscordSocketConfig
Represents a configuration class for DiscordSocketClient.
- GatewayReconnectException
The exception thrown when the gateway client has been requested to reconnect.
- SocketApplicationCommand
Represents a Websocket-based IApplicationCommand.
- SocketApplicationCommandChoice
Represents a choice for a SocketApplicationCommandOption.
- SocketApplicationCommandOption
Represents an option for a SocketApplicationCommand.
- SocketAuditLogEntry
Represents a Socket-based audit log entry.
- SocketAutoModBlockedMessageAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to message getting blocked by automod.
- SocketAutoModFlaggedMessageAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to message getting flagged by automod.
- SocketAutoModRuleCreatedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an auto moderation rule creation.
- SocketAutoModRuleDeletedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an auto moderation rule removal.
- SocketAutoModRuleInfo
Represents information for an auto moderation rule.
- SocketAutoModTimeoutUserAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to user getting in timeout by automod.
- SocketAutocompleteInteraction
Represents a ApplicationCommandAutocomplete received over the gateway.
- SocketAutocompleteInteractionData
Represents data for a slash commands autocomplete interaction.
- SocketBanAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a ban.
- SocketBotAddAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a adding a bot to a guild.
- SocketCategoryChannel
Represents a WebSocket-based category channel.
- SocketChannel
Represents a WebSocket-based channel.
- SocketChannelCreateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a channel creation.
- SocketChannelDeleteAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a channel deletion.
- SocketChannelUpdateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a channel update.
- SocketCommandBase
Base class for User, Message, and Slash command interactions.
- SocketCommandBaseData
Represents the base data tied with the SocketCommandBase interaction.
- SocketCommandBaseData<TOption>
Represents the base data tied with the SocketCommandBase interaction.
- SocketCommandPermissionUpdateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an application command permission update.
- SocketCustomSticker
Represents a custom sticker within a guild received over the gateway.
- SocketDMChannel
Represents a WebSocket-based direct-message channel.
- SocketEmoteCreateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an emoji creation.
- SocketEmoteDeleteAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an emoji deletion.
- SocketEmoteUpdateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an emoji update.
- SocketForumChannel
Represents a forum channel in a guild.
- SocketGroupChannel
Represents a WebSocket-based private group channel.
- SocketGroupUser
Represents a WebSocket-based group user.
- SocketGuild
Represents a WebSocket-based guild object.
- SocketGuildChannel
Represents a WebSocket-based guild channel.
- SocketGuildEvent
Represents a WebSocket-based guild event.
- SocketGuildInfo
Represents information for a guild.
- SocketGuildOnboarding
Supports all classes in the .NET class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all .NET classes; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
- SocketGuildOnboardingPrompt
Represents the guild onboarding prompt.
- SocketGuildOnboardingPromptOption
Represents the guild onboarding prompt option.
- SocketGuildUpdateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a guild update.
- SocketGuildUser
Represents a WebSocket-based guild user.
- SocketIntegrationCreatedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an integration authorization.
- SocketIntegrationDeletedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an integration removal.
- SocketIntegrationInfo
Represents information for an integration.
- SocketIntegrationUpdatedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an integration update.
- SocketInteraction
Represents an Interaction received over the gateway.
- SocketInvite
Represents a WebSocket-based invite to a guild.
- SocketInviteCreateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an invite creation.
- SocketInviteDeleteAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an invite removal.
- SocketInviteUpdateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data relating to an invite update.
- SocketKickAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a kick.
- SocketMemberDisconnectAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to disconnecting members from voice channels.
- SocketMemberMoveAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to moving members between voice channels.
- SocketMemberRoleAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a change in a guild member's roles.
- SocketMemberUpdateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a change in a guild member.
- SocketMessage
Represents a WebSocket-based message.
- SocketMessageBulkDeleteAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to message deletion(s).
- SocketMessageCommand
Represents a Websocket-based slash command received over the gateway.
- SocketMessageCommandData
Represents the data tied with the SocketMessageCommand interaction.
- SocketMessageComponent
Represents a Websocket-based interaction type for Message Components.
- SocketMessageComponentData
Represents the data sent with a MessageComponent.
- SocketMessageDeleteAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to message deletion(s).
- SocketMessagePinAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a pinned message.
- SocketMessageUnpinAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an unpinned message.
- SocketModal
Represents a user submitted Modal received via GateWay.
- SocketModalData
Represents data sent from a ModalSubmit.
- SocketNewsChannel
Represents a WebSocket-based news channel in a guild that has the same properties as a SocketTextChannel.
- SocketOnboardingPromptCreatedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an onboarding prompt creation.
- SocketOnboardingPromptUpdatedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an onboarding prompt update.
- SocketOnboardingUpdatedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a guild update.
- SocketOverwriteCreateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data for a permissions overwrite creation.
- SocketOverwriteDeleteAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to the deletion of a permission overwrite.
- SocketOverwriteUpdateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to the update of a permission overwrite.
- SocketPresence
Represents the WebSocket user's presence status. This may include their online status and their activity.
- SocketPruneAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a guild prune.
- SocketReaction
Represents a WebSocket-based reaction object.
- SocketRole
Represents a WebSocket-based role to be given to a guild user.
- SocketRoleCreateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a role creation.
- SocketRoleDeleteAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data relating to a role deletion.
- SocketRoleUpdateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a role update.
- SocketScheduledEventCreateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a scheduled event creation.
- SocketScheduledEventDeleteAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a scheduled event deletion.
- SocketScheduledEventInfo
Represents information for a scheduled event.
- SocketScheduledEventUpdateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a scheduled event updates.
- SocketSelfUser
Represents the logged-in WebSocket-based user.
- SocketSlashCommand
Represents a Websocket-based slash command received over the gateway.
- SocketSlashCommandData
Represents the data tied with the SocketSlashCommand interaction.
- SocketSlashCommandDataOption
Represents a Websocket-based IApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption received by the gateway.
- SocketStageChannel
Represents a stage channel received over the gateway.
- SocketStageInfo
Represents information for a stage.
- SocketStageInstanceCreateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a stage going live.
- SocketStageInstanceDeleteAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a stage instance deleted.
- SocketStageInstanceUpdatedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a stage instance update.
- SocketSticker
Represents a general sticker received over the gateway.
- SocketStickerCreatedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a sticker creation.
- SocketStickerDeletedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a sticker removal.
- SocketStickerInfo
Represents information for a guild.
- SocketStickerUpdatedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a sticker update.
- SocketSubscription
Represents an application subscription.
- SocketSystemMessage
Represents a WebSocket-based message sent by the system.
- SocketTextChannel
Represents a WebSocket-based channel in a guild that can send and receive messages.
- SocketThreadChannel
Represents a thread channel inside of a guild.
- SocketThreadCreateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a thread creation.
- SocketThreadDeleteAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a thread deletion.
- SocketThreadInfo
Represents information for a thread.
- SocketThreadUpdateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a thread update.
- SocketThreadUser
Represents a thread user received over the gateway.
- SocketUnbanAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to an unban.
- SocketUnknownSticker
Represents an unknown sticker received over the gateway.
- SocketUnknownUser
Represents a WebSocket-based user that is yet to be recognized by the client.
- SocketUser
Represents a WebSocket-based user.
- SocketUserCommand
Represents a Websocket-based slash command received over the gateway.
- SocketUserCommandData
Represents the data tied with the SocketUserCommand interaction.
- SocketUserMessage
Represents a WebSocket-based message sent by a user.
- SocketVoiceChannel
Represents a WebSocket-based voice channel in a guild.
- SocketVoiceChannelStatusDeleteAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a voice channel status delete.
- SocketVoiceChannelStatusUpdatedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a voice channel status update.
- SocketVoiceServer
Represents a WebSocket-based voice server.
- SocketWebhookCreateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a webhook creation.
- SocketWebhookDeletedAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a webhook deletion.
- SocketWebhookUpdateAuditLogData
Contains a piece of audit log data related to a webhook update.
- SocketWebhookUser
Represents a WebSocket-based webhook user.
- SocketChannelInfo
Represents information for a channel.
- SocketInviteInfo
Represents information for an invite.
- SocketMemberRoleEditInfo
An information object representing a change in one of a guild member's roles.
- SocketRoleEditInfo
Represents information for a role edit.
- SocketVoiceState
Represents a WebSocket user's voice connection status.
- SocketWebhookInfo
Represents information for a webhook.
- ISocketAudioChannel
Represents a generic WebSocket-based audio channel.
- ISocketAuditLogData
Represents data applied to a SocketAuditLogEntry.
- ISocketMessageChannel
Represents a generic WebSocket-based channel that can send and receive messages.
- ISocketPrivateChannel
Represents a generic WebSocket-based channel that is private to select recipients.
- VoiceCloseCode
Represents generic op codes for voice disconnect.