Table of Contents

Class SocketGroupChannel


Represents a WebSocket-based private group channel.

public class SocketGroupChannel : SocketChannel, IGroupChannel, ISocketPrivateChannel, IPrivateChannel, ISocketMessageChannel, IMessageChannel, ISocketAudioChannel, IAudioChannel, IChannel, ISnowflakeEntity, IEntity<ulong>
Inherited Members
Extension Methods



Gets all messages in this channel's cache.

public IReadOnlyCollection<SocketMessage> CachedMessages { get; }

Property Value


A read-only collection of WebSocket-based messages.


Gets the name of this channel.

public string Name { get; }

Property Value


A string containing the name of this channel.


Gets the RTC region for this audio channel.

public string RTCRegion { get; }

Property Value



This property can be null.


Returns a collection representing all users in the group, not including the client.

public IReadOnlyCollection<SocketGroupUser> Recipients { get; }

Property Value



Returns a collection representing all of the users in the group.

public IReadOnlyCollection<SocketGroupUser> Users { get; }

Property Value




public Task<IAudioClient> ConnectAsync()





Voice is not yet supported for group channels.

DeleteMessageAsync(IMessage, RequestOptions)

Deletes a message based on the provided message in this channel.

public Task DeleteMessageAsync(IMessage message, RequestOptions options = null)


message IMessage

The message that would be removed.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



A task that represents the asynchronous removal operation.

DeleteMessageAsync(ulong, RequestOptions)

Deletes a message.

public Task DeleteMessageAsync(ulong messageId, RequestOptions options = null)


messageId ulong

The snowflake identifier of the message that would be removed.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



A task that represents the asynchronous removal operation.


Continuously broadcasts the "user is typing" message to all users in this channel until the returned object is disposed.

public IDisposable EnterTypingState(RequestOptions options = null)


options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



A disposable object that, upon its disposal, will stop the client from broadcasting its typing state in this channel.


The following example keeps the client in the typing state until LongRunningAsync has finished.

using (channel.EnterTypingState())
    await LongRunningAsync();


Gets a cached message from this channel.

public SocketMessage GetCachedMessage(ulong id)


id ulong

The snowflake identifier of the message.



A WebSocket-based message object; null if it does not exist in the cache or if caching is not enabled.



This method requires the use of cache, which is not enabled by default; if caching is not enabled, this method will always return null. Please refer to MessageCacheSize for more details.

This method retrieves the message from the local WebSocket cache and does not send any additional request to Discord. This message may be a message that has been deleted.

GetCachedMessages(IMessage, Direction, int)

Gets the last N cached messages starting from a certain message in this message channel.

public IReadOnlyCollection<SocketMessage> GetCachedMessages(IMessage fromMessage, Direction dir, int limit = 100)


fromMessage IMessage

The message to start the fetching from.

dir Direction

The direction of which the message should be gotten from.

limit int

The number of messages to get.



A read-only collection of WebSocket-based messages.



This method requires the use of cache, which is not enabled by default; if caching is not enabled, this method will always return an empty collection. Please refer to MessageCacheSize for more details.

This method retrieves the message(s) from the local WebSocket cache and does not send any additional request to Discord. This read-only collection may include messages that have been deleted. The maximum number of messages that can be retrieved from this method depends on the MessageCacheSize set.


Gets the last N cached messages from this message channel.

public IReadOnlyCollection<SocketMessage> GetCachedMessages(int limit = 100)


limit int

The number of messages to get.



A read-only collection of WebSocket-based messages.



This method requires the use of cache, which is not enabled by default; if caching is not enabled, this method will always return an empty collection. Please refer to MessageCacheSize for more details.

This method retrieves the message(s) from the local WebSocket cache and does not send any additional request to Discord. This read-only collection may include messages that have been deleted. The maximum number of messages that can be retrieved from this method depends on the MessageCacheSize set.

GetCachedMessages(ulong, Direction, int)

Gets the last N cached messages starting from a certain message in this message channel.

public IReadOnlyCollection<SocketMessage> GetCachedMessages(ulong fromMessageId, Direction dir, int limit = 100)


fromMessageId ulong

The message ID to start the fetching from.

dir Direction

The direction of which the message should be gotten from.

limit int

The number of messages to get.



A read-only collection of WebSocket-based messages.



This method requires the use of cache, which is not enabled by default; if caching is not enabled, this method will always return an empty collection. Please refer to MessageCacheSize for more details.

This method retrieves the message(s) from the local WebSocket cache and does not send any additional request to Discord. This read-only collection may include messages that have been deleted. The maximum number of messages that can be retrieved from this method depends on the MessageCacheSize set.

GetMessageAsync(ulong, RequestOptions)

Gets a message from this message channel.

public Task<IMessage> GetMessageAsync(ulong id, RequestOptions options = null)


id ulong

The snowflake identifier of the message.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



A task that represents an asynchronous get operation for retrieving the message. The task result contains the retrieved message; null if no message is found with the specified identifier.


This method follows the same behavior as described in GetMessageAsync(ulong, CacheMode, RequestOptions). Please visit its documentation for more details on this method.

GetMessagesAsync(IMessage, Direction, int, RequestOptions)

Gets a collection of messages in this channel.

public IAsyncEnumerable<IReadOnlyCollection<IMessage>> GetMessagesAsync(IMessage fromMessage, Direction dir, int limit = 100, RequestOptions options = null)


fromMessage IMessage

The starting message to get the messages from.

dir Direction

The direction of the messages to be gotten from.

limit int

The numbers of message to be gotten from.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



Paged collection of messages.


This method follows the same behavior as described in GetMessagesAsync(IMessage, Direction, int, CacheMode, RequestOptions). Please visit its documentation for more details on this method.

GetMessagesAsync(int, RequestOptions)

Gets the last N messages from this message channel.

public IAsyncEnumerable<IReadOnlyCollection<IMessage>> GetMessagesAsync(int limit = 100, RequestOptions options = null)


limit int

The numbers of message to be gotten from.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



Paged collection of messages.


This method follows the same behavior as described in GetMessagesAsync(int, CacheMode, RequestOptions). Please visit its documentation for more details on this method.

GetMessagesAsync(ulong, Direction, int, RequestOptions)

Gets a collection of messages in this channel.

public IAsyncEnumerable<IReadOnlyCollection<IMessage>> GetMessagesAsync(ulong fromMessageId, Direction dir, int limit = 100, RequestOptions options = null)


fromMessageId ulong

The ID of the starting message to get the messages from.

dir Direction

The direction of the messages to be gotten from.

limit int

The numbers of message to be gotten from.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



Paged collection of messages.


This method follows the same behavior as described in GetMessagesAsync(ulong, Direction, int, CacheMode, RequestOptions). Please visit its documentation for more details on this method.


Gets a read-only collection of pinned messages in this channel.

public Task<IReadOnlyCollection<RestMessage>> GetPinnedMessagesAsync(RequestOptions options = null)


options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



A task that represents the asynchronous get operation for retrieving pinned messages in this channel. The task result contains a read-only collection of messages found in the pinned messages.


This method follows the same behavior as described in GetPinnedMessagesAsync(RequestOptions). Please visit its documentation for more details on this method.


Gets a user from this group.

public SocketGroupUser GetUser(ulong id)


id ulong

The snowflake identifier of the user.



A WebSocket-based group user associated with the snowflake identifier.


Leaves this group.

public Task LeaveAsync(RequestOptions options = null)


options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



A task that represents the asynchronous leave operation.

ModifyMessageAsync(ulong, Action<MessageProperties>, RequestOptions)

Modifies a message.

public Task<IUserMessage> ModifyMessageAsync(ulong messageId, Action<MessageProperties> func, RequestOptions options = null)


messageId ulong

The snowflake identifier of the message that would be changed.

func Action<MessageProperties>

A delegate containing the properties to modify the message with.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



A task that represents the asynchronous modification operation.


This method modifies this message with the specified properties. To see an example of this method and what properties are available, please refer to MessageProperties.

SendFileAsync(FileAttachment, string, bool, Embed, RequestOptions, AllowedMentions, MessageReference, MessageComponent, ISticker[], Embed[], MessageFlags, PollProperties)

Sends a file to this message channel with an optional caption.

public Task<RestUserMessage> SendFileAsync(FileAttachment attachment, string text = null, bool isTTS = false, Embed embed = null, RequestOptions options = null, AllowedMentions allowedMentions = null, MessageReference messageReference = null, MessageComponent components = null, ISticker[] stickers = null, Embed[] embeds = null, MessageFlags flags = MessageFlags.None, PollProperties poll = null)


attachment FileAttachment

The attachment containing the file and description.

text string

The message to be sent.

isTTS bool

Whether the message should be read aloud by Discord or not.

embed Embed

The RichEmbed to be sent.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.

allowedMentions AllowedMentions

Specifies if notifications are sent for mentioned users and roles in the message text. If null, all mentioned roles and users will be notified.

messageReference MessageReference

The message references to be included. Used to reply to specific messages.

components MessageComponent

The message components to be included with this message. Used for interactions.

stickers ISticker[]

A collection of stickers to send with the file.

embeds Embed[]

A array of Embeds to send with this response. Max 10.

flags MessageFlags

A message flag to be applied to the sent message, only SuppressEmbeds and SuppressNotification is permitted.

poll PollProperties

A poll to send with the message.



A task that represents an asynchronous send operation for delivering the message. The task result contains the sent message.


This method sends a file as if you are uploading an attachment directly from your Discord client.


If you wish to upload an image and have it embedded in a Rich embed, you may upload the file and refer to the file with "attachment://filename.ext" in the ImageUrl. See the example section for its usage.



Message content is too long, length must be less or equal to MaxMessageSize.


The only valid MessageFlags are SuppressEmbeds and None.

SendFileAsync(Stream, string, string, bool, Embed, RequestOptions, bool, AllowedMentions, MessageReference, MessageComponent, ISticker[], Embed[], MessageFlags, PollProperties)

Sends a file to this message channel with an optional caption.

public Task<RestUserMessage> SendFileAsync(Stream stream, string filename, string text = null, bool isTTS = false, Embed embed = null, RequestOptions options = null, bool isSpoiler = false, AllowedMentions allowedMentions = null, MessageReference messageReference = null, MessageComponent components = null, ISticker[] stickers = null, Embed[] embeds = null, MessageFlags flags = MessageFlags.None, PollProperties poll = null)


stream Stream

The Stream of the file to be sent.

filename string

The name of the attachment.

text string

The message to be sent.

isTTS bool

Whether the message should be read aloud by Discord or not.

embed Embed

The RichEmbed to be sent.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.

isSpoiler bool

Whether the message attachment should be hidden as a spoiler.

allowedMentions AllowedMentions

Specifies if notifications are sent for mentioned users and roles in the message text. If null, all mentioned roles and users will be notified.

messageReference MessageReference

The message references to be included. Used to reply to specific messages.

components MessageComponent

The message components to be included with this message. Used for interactions.

stickers ISticker[]

A collection of stickers to send with the file.

embeds Embed[]

A array of Embeds to send with this response. Max 10.

flags MessageFlags

A message flag to be applied to the sent message, only SuppressEmbeds and SuppressNotification is permitted.

poll PollProperties

A poll to send with the message.



A task that represents an asynchronous send operation for delivering the message. The task result contains the sent message.


The following example uploads a streamed image that will be called b1nzy.jpg embedded inside a rich embed to the channel.

using (var b1nzyStream = await httpClient.GetStreamAsync(""))
    await channel.SendFileAsync(b1nzyStream, "b1nzy.jpg",
        embed: new EmbedBuilder { ImageUrl = "attachment://b1nzy.jpg" }.Build());


This method sends a file as if you are uploading an attachment directly from your Discord client.


If you wish to upload an image and have it embedded in a Rich embed, you may upload the file and refer to the file with "attachment://filename.ext" in the ImageUrl. See the example section for its usage.



Message content is too long, length must be less or equal to MaxMessageSize.


The only valid MessageFlags are SuppressEmbeds and None.

SendFileAsync(string, string, bool, Embed, RequestOptions, bool, AllowedMentions, MessageReference, MessageComponent, ISticker[], Embed[], MessageFlags, PollProperties)

Sends a file to this message channel with an optional caption.

public Task<RestUserMessage> SendFileAsync(string filePath, string text = null, bool isTTS = false, Embed embed = null, RequestOptions options = null, bool isSpoiler = false, AllowedMentions allowedMentions = null, MessageReference messageReference = null, MessageComponent components = null, ISticker[] stickers = null, Embed[] embeds = null, MessageFlags flags = MessageFlags.None, PollProperties poll = null)


filePath string

The file path of the file.

text string

The message to be sent.

isTTS bool

Whether the message should be read aloud by Discord or not.

embed Embed

The RichEmbed to be sent.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.

isSpoiler bool

Whether the message attachment should be hidden as a spoiler.

allowedMentions AllowedMentions

Specifies if notifications are sent for mentioned users and roles in the message text. If null, all mentioned roles and users will be notified.

messageReference MessageReference

The message references to be included. Used to reply to specific messages.

components MessageComponent

The message components to be included with this message. Used for interactions.

stickers ISticker[]

A collection of stickers to send with the file.

embeds Embed[]

A array of Embeds to send with this response. Max 10.

flags MessageFlags

A message flag to be applied to the sent message, only SuppressEmbeds and SuppressNotification is permitted.

poll PollProperties

A poll to send with the message.



A task that represents an asynchronous send operation for delivering the message. The task result contains the sent message.


The following example uploads a local file called wumpus.txt along with the text good discord boi to the channel.

await channel.SendFileAsync("wumpus.txt", "good discord boi");

The following example uploads a local image called b1nzy.jpg embedded inside a rich embed to the channel.

await channel.SendFileAsync("b1nzy.jpg",
    embed: new EmbedBuilder { ImageUrl = "attachment://b1nzy.jpg" }.Build());


This method sends a file as if you are uploading an attachment directly from your Discord client.


If you wish to upload an image and have it embedded in a Rich embed, you may upload the file and refer to the file with "attachment://filename.ext" in the ImageUrl. See the example section for its usage.



The only valid MessageFlags are SuppressEmbeds and None.

SendFilesAsync(IEnumerable<FileAttachment>, string, bool, Embed, RequestOptions, AllowedMentions, MessageReference, MessageComponent, ISticker[], Embed[], MessageFlags, PollProperties)

Sends a collection of files to this message channel.

public Task<RestUserMessage> SendFilesAsync(IEnumerable<FileAttachment> attachments, string text = null, bool isTTS = false, Embed embed = null, RequestOptions options = null, AllowedMentions allowedMentions = null, MessageReference messageReference = null, MessageComponent components = null, ISticker[] stickers = null, Embed[] embeds = null, MessageFlags flags = MessageFlags.None, PollProperties poll = null)


attachments IEnumerable<FileAttachment>

A collection of attachments to upload.

text string

The message to be sent.

isTTS bool

Whether the message should be read aloud by Discord or not.

embed Embed

The RichEmbed to be sent.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.

allowedMentions AllowedMentions

Specifies if notifications are sent for mentioned users and roles in the message text. If null, all mentioned roles and users will be notified.

messageReference MessageReference

The message references to be included. Used to reply to specific messages.

components MessageComponent

The message components to be included with this message. Used for interactions.

stickers ISticker[]

A collection of stickers to send with the file.

embeds Embed[]

A array of Embeds to send with this response. Max 10.

flags MessageFlags

A message flag to be applied to the sent message, only SuppressEmbeds and SuppressNotification is permitted.

poll PollProperties

A poll to send with the message.



A task that represents an asynchronous send operation for delivering the message. The task result contains the sent message.


This method sends files as if you are uploading attachments directly from your Discord client.


If you wish to upload an image and have it embedded in a Rich embed, you may upload the file and refer to the file with "attachment://filename.ext" in the ImageUrl. See the example section for its usage.



Message content is too long, length must be less or equal to MaxMessageSize.


The only valid MessageFlags are SuppressEmbeds and None.

SendMessageAsync(string, bool, Embed, RequestOptions, AllowedMentions, MessageReference, MessageComponent, ISticker[], Embed[], MessageFlags, PollProperties)

Sends a message to this message channel.

public Task<RestUserMessage> SendMessageAsync(string text = null, bool isTTS = false, Embed embed = null, RequestOptions options = null, AllowedMentions allowedMentions = null, MessageReference messageReference = null, MessageComponent components = null, ISticker[] stickers = null, Embed[] embeds = null, MessageFlags flags = MessageFlags.None, PollProperties poll = null)


text string

The message to be sent.

isTTS bool

Determines whether the message should be read aloud by Discord or not.

embed Embed

The RichEmbed to be sent.

options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.

allowedMentions AllowedMentions

Specifies if notifications are sent for mentioned users and roles in the message text. If null, all mentioned roles and users will be notified.

messageReference MessageReference

The message references to be included. Used to reply to specific messages.

components MessageComponent

The message components to be included with this message. Used for interactions.

stickers ISticker[]

A collection of stickers to send with the message.

embeds Embed[]

A array of Embeds to send with this response. Max 10.

flags MessageFlags

A message flag to be applied to the sent message, only SuppressEmbeds and SuppressNotification is permitted.

poll PollProperties

A poll to send with the message.



A task that represents an asynchronous send operation for delivering the message. The task result contains the sent message.


The following example sends a message with the current system time in RFC 1123 format to the channel and deletes itself after 5 seconds.

var message = await channel.SendMessageAsync(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToString("R"));
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))
    .ContinueWith(x => message.DeleteAsync());



Message content is too long, length must be less or equal to MaxMessageSize.


The only valid MessageFlags are SuppressEmbeds and None.


Returns the name of the group.

public override string ToString()




Broadcasts the "user is typing" message to all users in this channel, lasting 10 seconds.

public Task TriggerTypingAsync(RequestOptions options = null)


options RequestOptions

The options to be used when sending the request.



A task that represents the asynchronous operation that triggers the broadcast.