Getting Started
The Interaction Service provides an attribute based framework for creating Discord Interaction handlers.
To start using the Interaction Service, you need to create a service instance. Optionally you can provide the InteractionService constructor with a InteractionServiceConfig to change the services behaviour to suit your needs.
// _client here is DiscordSocketClient.
// A different approach to passing in a restclient is also possible.
var _interactionService = new InteractionService(_client.Rest);
Attribute based Interaction handlers must be defined within a command module class. Command modules are responsible for executing the Interaction handlers and providing them with the necessary execution info and helper functions.
Command modules are transient objects. A new module instance is created before a command execution starts then it will be disposed right after the method returns.
Every module class must:
- Be public
- Inherit from InteractionModuleBase
Optionally you can override the included :
- OnModuleBuilding (executed after the module is built)
- BeforeExecute (executed before a command execution starts)
- AfterExecute (executed after a command execution concludes)
methods to configure the modules behaviour.
Every command module exposes a set of helper methods, namely:
=> Respond to the interactionFollowupAsync()
=> Create a followup message for an interactionReplyAsync()
=> Send a message to the origin channel of the interactionDeleteOriginalResponseAsync()
=> Delete the original interaction response
Valid Interaction Commands must comply with the following requirements:
return type | max parameter count | allowed parameter types | attribute | |
Slash Command | Task /Task<RuntimeResult> |
25 | any* | [SlashCommand] |
User Command | Task /Task<RuntimeResult> |
1 | Implementations of IUser |
[UserCommand] |
Message Command | Task /Task<RuntimeResult> |
1 | Implementations of IMessage |
[MessageCommand] |
Component Interaction Command | Task /Task<RuntimeResult> |
inf | string or string[] |
[ComponentInteraction] |
Autocomplete Command | Task /Task<RuntimeResult> |
- | - | [AutocompleteCommand] |
A TypeConverter
that is capable of parsing type in question must be registered to the InteractionService instance.
You should avoid using long running code in your command module.
Depending on your setup, long running code may block the Gateway thread of your bot, interrupting its connection to Discord.
Slash Commands
Slash Commands are created using the SlashCommandAttribute. Every Slash Command must declare a name and a description. You can check Discords Application Command Naming Guidelines here.
[SlashCommand("echo", "Echo an input")]
public async Task Echo(string input)
await RespondAsync(input);
Slash Commands can have up to 25 method parameters. You must name your parameters in accordance with Discords Naming Guidelines. InteractionService also features a pascal casing seperator for formatting parameter names with pascal casing into Discord compliant parameter names('parameterName' => 'parameter-name'). By default, your methods can feature the following parameter types:
- Implementations of IUser
- Implementations of IChannel
- Implementations of IRole
- Implementations of IMentionable
- Implementations of IAttachment
Enum values are registered as multiple choice options and are enforced by Discord. Use the [Hide]
attribute on enum values to prevent them from getting registered.
You can use more specialized implementations of IChannel to restrict the allowed channel types for a channel type option.
interface | Channel Type |
IStageChannel |
Stage Channels |
IVoiceChannel |
Voice Channels |
IDMChannel |
DM Channels |
IGroupChannel |
Group Channels |
ICategoryChannel |
Category Channels |
INewsChannel |
News Channels |
IThreadChannel |
Public, Private, News Threads |
ITextChannel |
Text Channels |
Optional Parameters
Parameters with default values (ie. int count = 0
) will be displayed as optional parameters on Discord Client.
Parameter Summary
By using the SummaryAttribute you can customize the displayed name and description of a parameter
[Summary(description: "this is a parameter description")] string input
Parameter Choices
ChoiceAttribute can be used to add choices to a parameter.
[SlashCommand("blep", "Send a random adorable animal photo")]
public async Task Blep([Choice("Dog", "dog"), Choice("Cat", "cat"), Choice("Guinea pig", "GuineaPig")] string animal)
// In most cases, you can use an enum to replace the separate choice attributes in a command.
public enum Animal
// You can also use the ChoiceDisplay attribute to change how they appear in the choice menu.
[ChoiceDisplay("Guinea pig")]
[SlashCommand("blep", "Send a random adorable animal photo")]
public async Task Blep(Animal animal)
This Slash Command will be displayed exactly the same as the previous example.
Channel Types
Channel types for an IChannel parameter can also be restricted using the ChannelTypesAttribute.
[SlashCommand("name", "Description")]
public async Task Command([ChannelTypes(ChannelType.Stage, ChannelType.Text)] IChannel channel)
In this case, user can only input Stage Channels and Text Channels to this parameter.
Min/Max Value
You can specify the permitted max/min value for a number type parameter using the MaxValueAttribute and MinValueAttribute.
Complex Parameters
This allows users to create slash command options using an object's constructor allowing complex objects to be created which cannot be infered from only one input value.
Constructor methods support every attribute type that can be used with the regular slash commands ([Autocomplete], [Summary] etc. ).
Preferred constructor of a Type can be specified either by passing a Type[]
to the [ComplexParameterAttribute]
or tagging a type constructor with the [ComplexParameterCtorAttribute]
. If nothing is specified, the InteractionService defaults to the only public constructor of the type.
TypeConverter pattern is used to parse the constructor methods objects.
public class Vector3
public int X {get;}
public int Y {get;}
public int Z {get;}
public Vector3()
X = 0;
Y = 0;
Z = 0;
public Vector3(int x, int y, int z)
X = x;
Y = y;
Z = z;
// Both of the commands below are displayed to the users identically.
// With complex parameter
[SlashCommand("create-vector", "Create a 3D vector.")]
public async Task CreateVector([ComplexParameter]Vector3 vector3)
// Without complex parameter
[SlashCommand("create-vector", "Create a 3D vector.")]
public async Task CreateVector(int x, int y, int z)
Interaction service complex parameter constructors are prioritized in the following order:
- Constructor matching the signature provided in the
overload. - Constuctor tagged with
. - Type's only public constuctor.
DM Permissions
EnabledInDmAttribute is being deprecated in favor of CommandContextType attribute.
You can use the EnabledInDmAttribute to configure whether a globally-scoped top level command should be enabled in Dms or not. Only works on top level commands.
Default Member Permissions
DefaultMemberPermissionsAttribute can be used when creating a command to set the permissions a user must have to use the command. Permission overwrites can be configured from the Integrations page of Guild Settings. DefaultMemberPermissionsAttribute cumulatively propagates down the class hierarchy until it reaches a top level command. This attribute can be only used on top level commands and will not work on commands that are nested in command groups.
User Commands
A valid User Command must have the following structure:
[UserCommand("Say Hello")]
public async Task SayHello(IUser user)
User commands can only have one parameter and its type must be an implementation of IUser.
Message Commands
A valid Message Command must have the following structure:
public async Task Bookmark(IMessage msg)
Message commands can only have one parameter and its type must be an implementation of IMessage.
Component Interaction Commands
Component Interaction Commands are used to handle interactions that originate from Discord Message Components. This pattern is particularly useful if you will be reusing a set a Custom IDs.
Component Interaction Commands support wild card matching,
by default *
character can be used to create a wild card pattern.
Interaction Service will use lazy matching to capture the words corresponding to the wild card character.
And the captured words will be passed on to the command method in the same order they were captured.
public async Task Play(string op, string name)
You may use as many wild card characters as you want.
If Interaction Service receives a component interaction with player:play,rickroll custom id,
will be play and name
will be rickroll
Select Menus
Unlike button interactions, select menu interactions also contain the values of the selected menu items. In this case, you should structure your method to accept a string array.
Use arrays of IUser
, IChannel
, IRole
, IMentionable
or their implementations to get data from a select menu with respective type.
public async Task RoleSelection(string[] selectedRoles)
public async Task RoleSelection(string id, string[] selectedRoles)
Wildcards may also be used to match a select menu ID, though keep in mind that the array containing the select menu values should be the last parameter.
Autocomplete Commands
Autocomplete commands must be parameterless methods. A valid Autocomplete command must have the following structure:
[AutocompleteCommand("parameter_name", "command_name")]
public async Task Autocomplete()
string userInput = (Context.Interaction as SocketAutocompleteInteraction).Data.Current.Value.ToString();
IEnumerable<AutocompleteResult> results = new[]
new AutocompleteResult("foo", "foo_value"),
new AutocompleteResult("bar", "bar_value"),
new AutocompleteResult("baz", "baz_value"),
}.Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith(userInput, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); // only send suggestions that starts with user's input; use case insensitive matching
// max - 25 suggestions at a time
await (Context.Interaction as SocketAutocompleteInteraction).RespondAsync(results.Take(25));
// you need to add `Autocomplete` attribute before parameter to add autocompletion to it
[SlashCommand("command_name", "command_description")]
public async Task ExampleCommand([Summary("parameter_name"), Autocomplete] string parameterWithAutocompletion)
=> await RespondAsync($"Your choice: {parameterWithAutocompletion}");
Alternatively, you can use the AutocompleteHandlers to simplify this workflow.
Modal commands last parameter must be an implementation of IModal
A Modal implementation would look like this:
// Registers a command that will respond with a modal.
[SlashCommand("food", "Tell us about your favorite food.")]
public async Task Command()
=> await Context.Interaction.RespondWithModalAsync<FoodModal>("food_menu");
// Defines the modal that will be sent.
public class FoodModal : IModal
public string Title => "Fav Food";
// Strings with the ModalTextInput attribute will automatically become components.
[ModalTextInput("food_name", placeholder: "Pizza", maxLength: 20)]
public string Food { get; set; }
// Additional paremeters can be specified to further customize the input.
// Parameters can be optional
[ModalTextInput("food_reason", TextInputStyle.Paragraph, "Kuz it's tasty", maxLength: 500)]
public string Reason { get; set; }
// Responds to the modal.
public async Task ModalResponse(FoodModal modal)
// Check if "Why??" field is populated
string reason = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modal.Reason)
? "."
: $" because {modal.Reason}";
// Build the message to send.
string message = "hey @everyone, I just learned " +
$"{Context.User.Mention}'s favorite food is " +
// Specify the AllowedMentions so we don't actually ping everyone.
AllowedMentions mentions = new();
mentions.AllowedTypes = AllowedMentionTypes.Users;
// Respond to the modal.
await RespondAsync(message, allowedMentions: mentions, ephemeral: true);
If you are using Modals in the interaction service it is highly
recommended that you enable PreCompiledLambdas
in your config
to prevent performance issues.
Interaction Context
Every command module provides its commands with an execution context. This context property includes general information about the underlying interaction that triggered the command execution. The base command context.
You can design your modules to work with different implementation types of IInteractionContext. To achieve this, make sure your module classes inherit from the generic variant of the InteractionModuleBase.
Context type must be consistent throughout the project, or you will run into issues during runtime.
The InteractionService ships with 4 different kinds of InteractionContext:
- InteractionContext: A bare-bones execution context consisting of only implementation neutral interfaces
- SocketInteractionContext: An execution context for use with DiscordSocketClient. Socket entities are exposed in this context without the need of casting them.
- ShardedInteractionContext: DiscordShardedClient variant of the SocketInteractionContext
- RestInteractionContext: An execution context designed to be used with a DiscordRestClient and webhook based interactions pattern
You can create custom Interaction Contexts by implementing the IInteractionContext interface.
One problem with using the concrete type InteractionContexts is that you cannot access the information that is specific to different interaction types without casting. Concrete type interaction contexts are great for creating shared interaction modules but you can also use the generic variants of the built-in interaction contexts to create interaction specific interaction modules.
Message component interactions have access to a special method called UpdateAsync()
to update the body of the method the interaction originated from.
Normally this wouldn't be accessible without casting the Context.Interaction
discordClient.ButtonExecuted += async (interaction) =>
var ctx = new SocketInteractionContext<SocketMessageComponent>(discordClient, interaction);
await _interactionService.ExecuteCommandAsync(ctx, serviceProvider);
public class MessageComponentModule : InteractionModuleBase<SocketInteractionContext<SocketMessageComponent>>
public async Task Command()
await Context.Interaction.UpdateAsync(...);
Loading Modules
InteractionService can automatically discover and load modules that inherit InteractionModuleBase from an Assembly
Call InteractionService.AddModulesAsync()
to use this functionality.
You can also manually add Interaction modules using the InteractionService.AddModuleAsync()
method by providing the module type you want to load.
Resolving Module Dependencies
Module dependencies are resolved using the Constructor Injection and Property Injection patterns.
Meaning, the constructor parameters and public settable properties of a module will be assigned using the IServiceProvider
For more information on dependency injection, read the DependencyInjection guides.
On every command execution, if the 'AutoServiceScopes' option is enabled in the config , module dependencies are resolved using a new service scope which allows you to utilize scoped service instances, just like in Asp.Net.
Including the precondition checks, every module method is executed using the same service scope and service scopes are disposed right after the AfterExecute
method returns. This doesn't apply to methods other than ExecuteAsync()
Module Groups
Module groups allow you to create sub-commands and sub-commands groups. By nesting commands inside a module that is tagged with GroupAttribute you can create prefixed commands.
Although creating nested module structures are allowed, you are not permitted to use more than 2 GroupAttribute's in module hierarchy.
To not use the command group's name as a prefix for component or modal interaction's custom id set ignoreGroupNames
parameter to true
in classes with GroupAttribute
However, you have to be careful to prevent overlapping ids of buttons and modals.
// You can put commands in groups
[Group("group-name", "Group description")]
public class CommandGroupModule : InteractionModuleBase<SocketInteractionContext>
// This command will look like
// group-name ping
[SlashCommand("ping", "Get a pong")]
public async Task PongSubcommand()
=> await RespondAsync("Pong!");
// And even in sub-command groups
[Group("subcommand-group-name", "Subcommand group description")]
public class SubСommandGroupModule : InteractionModuleBase<SocketInteractionContext>
// This command will look like
// group-name subcommand-group-name echo
[SlashCommand("echo", "Echo an input")]
public async Task EchoSubcommand(string input)
=> await RespondAsync(input, components: new ComponentBuilder().WithButton("Echo", $"echoButton_{input}").Build());
// Component interaction with ignoreGroupNames set to true
[ComponentInteraction("echoButton_*", true)]
public async Task EchoButton(string input)
=> await RespondAsync(input);
Executing Commands
Any of the following socket events can be used to execute commands:
- InteractionCreated
- ButtonExecuted
- SelectMenuExecuted
- AutocompleteExecuted
- UserCommandExecuted
- MessageCommandExecuted
- ModalExecuted
These events will trigger for the specific type of interaction they inherit their name from. The InteractionCreated event will trigger for all. An example of executing a command from an event can be seen here:
// Theres multiple ways to subscribe to the event, depending on your application. Please use the approach fit to your type of client.
// DiscordSocketClient:
_socketClient.InteractionCreated += async (x) =>
var ctx = new SocketInteractionContext(_socketClient, x);
await _interactionService.ExecuteCommandAsync(ctx, _serviceProvider);
// DiscordShardedClient:
_shardedClient.InteractionCreated += async (x) =>
var ctx = new ShardedInteractionContext(_shardedClient, x);
await _interactionService.ExecuteCommandAsync(ctx, _serviceProvider);
Commands can be either executed on the gateway thread or on a separate thread from the thread pool.
This behaviour can be configured by changing the RunMode
property of InteractionServiceConfig
or by setting the runMode parameter of a command attribute.
In the example above, no form of post-execution is presented.
Please carefully read the Post-Execution Documentation for the best approach in resolving the result based on your RunMode
You can also configure the way InteractionService executes the commands.
By default, commands are executed using ConstructorInfo.Invoke()
to create module instances and
method for executing the method bodies.
By setting, InteractionServiceConfig.UseCompiledLambda
to true
, you can make InteractionService create module instances and execute commands using
Compiled Lambda expressions. This cuts down on command execution time but it might add some memory overhead.
Time it takes to create a module instance and execute a Task.Delay(0)
method using the Reflection methods compared to Compiled Lambda expressions:
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
ReflectionInvoke | 225.93 ns | 4.522 ns | 7.040 ns |
CompiledLambda | 48.79 ns | 0.981 ns | 1.276 ns |
Registering Commands to Discord
Application commands loaded to the Interaction Service can be registered to Discord using a number of different methods.
In most cases RegisterCommandsGloballyAsync()
and RegisterCommandsToGuildAsync()
are the methods to use.
Command registration methods can only be used after the gateway client is ready or the rest client is logged in.
await interactionService.RegisterCommandsToGuildAsync(<test_guild_id>);
await interactionService.RegisterCommandsGloballyAsync();
Methods like AddModulesToGuildAsync()
, AddCommandsToGuildAsync()
, AddModulesGloballyAsync()
and AddCommandsGloballyAsync()
can be used to register cherry picked modules or commands to global/guild scopes.
DontAutoRegisterAttribute can be used on module classes to prevent RegisterCommandsGloballyAsync()
and RegisterCommandsToGuildAsync()
from registering them to the Discord.
Interaction Utility
Interaction Service ships with a static InteractionUtility
class which contains some helper methods to asynchronously waiting for Discord Interactions.
For instance, WaitForInteractionAsync()
method allows you to wait for an Interaction for a given amount of time.
This method returns the first encountered Interaction that satisfies the provided predicate.
If you are running the Interaction Service on RunMode.Sync
you should avoid using this method in your commands,
as it will block the gateway thread and interrupt your bots connection.
Webhook Based Interactions
Instead of using the gateway to receive Discord Interactions, Discord allows you to receive Interaction events over Webhooks. Interaction Service also supports this Interaction type but to be able to respond to the Interactions within your command modules you need to perform the following:
- Make your modules inherit
- Set the
property ofInteractionServiceConfig
so that theResponseCallback
delegate can be used to create HTTP responses from a deserialized json object string. - Use the interaction endpoints of the module base instead of the interaction object (ie.
Discord Slash Commands support name/description localization. Localization is available for names and descriptions of Slash Command Groups (GroupAttribute), Slash Commands (SlashCommandAttribute), Slash Command parameters and Slash Command Parameter Choices. Interaction Service can be initialized with an ILocalizationManager
instance in its config which is used to create the necessary localization dictionaries on command registration. Interaction Service has two built-in ILocalizationManager
implementations: ResxLocalizationManager
and JsonLocalizationManager
uses .
delimited key names to traverse the resource files and get the localized strings (
). A ResxLocalizationManager
instance must be initialized with a base resource name, a target assembly and a collection of CultureInfo
s. Every key path must end with either .name
or .description
, including parameter choice strings. Discord.Tools.LocalizationTemplate.Resx dotnet tool can be used to create localization file templates.
uses a nested data structure similar to Discord's Application Commands schema. You can get the Json schema here. JsonLocalizationManager
accepts a base path and a base file name and automatically discovers every resource file ( \basePath\fileName.locale.json ). A Json resource file should have a structure similar to:
"name": "localized_name",
"description": "localized_description",
"name": "localized_name",
"description": "localized_description"
"name": "localized_name",
"description": "localized_description",
"name": "localized_name",
"description": "localized_description",
"name": "localized_name",
"description": "localized_description"
"name": "localized_name",
"description": "localized_description"
User Apps
User apps are the kind of Discord applications that are installed onto a user instead of a guild, thus making commands usable anywhere on Discord. Note that only users who have installed the application will see the commands. This sample shows you how to create a simple user install command.
// This parameteres can be configured on the module level
// Set supported command context types to Bot DMs and Private Channels (regular DM & GDM)
[CommandContextType(InteractionContextType.BotDm, InteractionContextType.PrivateChannel)]
// Set supported integration installation type to User Install
public class CommandModule() : InteractionModuleBase<SocketInteractionContext>
[SlashCommand("test", "Just a test command")]
public async Task TestCommand()
=> await RespondAsync("Hello There");
// But can also be overridden on the command level
[CommandContextType(InteractionContextType.BotDm, InteractionContextType.PrivateChannel, InteractionContextType.Guild)]
[SlashCommand("echo", "Echo the input")]
public async Task EchoCommand(string input)
=> await RespondAsync($"You said: {input}");