Namespace Discord.Interactions
- AutocompleteAttribute
Set the IsAutocomplete to true.
- AutocompleteAttribute<T>
Set the IsAutocomplete to true.
- AutocompleteCommandAttribute
Create an Autocomplete Command.
- AutocompleteCommandInfo
Represents the info class of an attribute based method for handling Autocomplete Interaction events.
- AutocompleteHandler
Base class for creating Autocompleters. InteractionService uses Autocompleters to generate parameter suggestions.
- ChannelTypesAttribute
Specify the target channel types for a Channel option.
- ChoiceAttribute
Add a pre-determined argument value to a command parameter.
- ChoiceDisplayAttribute
Customize the displayed value of a slash command choice enum. Only works with the default enum type converter.
- CommandContextTypeAttribute
Specifies context types this command can be executed in.
- CommandInfo<TParameter>
The base information class for InteractionService commands.
- CommandParameterInfo
Represents the base parameter info class for InteractionService commands.
- ComplexParameterAttribute
Registers a parameter as a complex parameter.
- ComplexParameterCtorAttribute
Tag a type constructor as the preferred Complex command constructor.
- ComponentCommandInfo
Represents the info class of an attribute based method for handling Component Interaction events.
- ComponentCommandParameterInfo
Represents the parameter info class for ComponentCommandInfo commands.
- ComponentInteractionAttribute
Create a Message Component interaction handler, CustomId represents the CustomId of the Message Component that will be handled.
- ComponentTypeConverter
Base class for creating Component TypeConverters. InteractionService uses TypeConverters to interface with Slash Command parameters.
- ComponentTypeConverter<T>
Base class for creating Component TypeConverters. InteractionService uses TypeConverters to interface with Slash Command parameters.
- ContextCommandAttribute
Base attribute for creating a Context Commands.
- ContextCommandInfo
Base information class for attribute based context command handlers.
- DefaultMemberPermissionsAttribute
Sets the DefaultMemberPermissions of an application command or module.
- DefaultPermissionAttribute
Set the "Default Permission" property of an Application Command.
- DoHierarchyCheckAttribute
Ensures that command parameters are passed within a correct hierarchical context.
- DontAutoRegisterAttribute
InteractionModuleBase<T>s with this attribute will not be registered by the RegisterCommandsGloballyAsync(bool) or RegisterCommandsToGuildAsync(ulong, bool) methods.
- EnabledInDmAttribute
Sets the IsEnabledInDm property of an application command or module.
- GroupAttribute
Create nested Slash Commands by marking a module as a command group.
- HideAttribute
Enum values tagged with this attribute will not be displayed as a parameter choice
- InputComponentInfo
Represents the base info class for IModal input components.
- InputLabelAttribute
Creates a custom label for an modal input.
- IntegrationTypeAttribute
Specifies install method for the command.
- InteractionContext
Represents the context of an Interaction.
- InteractionModuleBase
Provides a base class for a command module to inherit from.
- InteractionModuleBase<T>
Provides a base class for a command module to inherit from.
- InteractionService
Provides the framework for building and registering Discord Application Commands.
- InteractionServiceConfig
Represents a configuration class for InteractionService.
- InteractionUtility
Utility class containing helper methods for interacting with Discord Interactions.
- JsonLocalizationManager
The default localization provider for Json resource files.
- MaxLengthAttribute
Sets the maximum length allowed for a string type parameter.
- MaxValueAttribute
Set the maximum value permitted for a number type parameter.
- MessageCommandAttribute
Create a Message Context Command.
- MessageCommandInfo
Represents the info class of an attribute based method for command type Message.
- MinLengthAttribute
Sets the minimum length allowed for a string type parameter.
- MinValueAttribute
Set the minimum value permitted for a number type parameter.
- ModalCommandInfo
Represents the info class of an attribute based method for handling Modal Interaction events.
- ModalCommandParameterInfo
Represents the base parameter info class for InteractionService modals.
- ModalInputAttribute
Mark an IModal property as a modal input field.
- ModalInteractionAttribute
Create a Modal interaction handler. CustomId represents the CustomId of the Modal that will be handled.
- ModalTextInputAttribute
Marks a IModal property as a text input.
- ModuleInfo
Contains the information of a Interactions Module.
- NsfwCommandAttribute
Sets the IsNsfw property of an application command or module.
- ParameterChoice
Represents a Slash Command parameter choice.
- ParameterPreconditionAttribute
Requires the parameter to pass the specified precondition before execution can begin.
- PreconditionAttribute
Requires the module or class to pass the specified precondition before execution can begin.
- PreconditionGroupResult
Represents a result type for grouped command preconditions.
- PreconditionResult
Represents a result type for command preconditions.
- RequireBotPermissionAttribute
Requires the bot to have a specific permission in the channel a command is invoked in.
- RequireContextAttribute
Requires the command to be invoked in a specified context (e.g. in guild, DM).
- RequireNsfwAttribute
Requires the command to be invoked in a channel marked NSFW.
- RequireOwnerAttribute
Requires the command to be invoked by the owner of the bot.
- RequireRoleAttribute
Requires the user invoking the command to have a specified role.
- RequireTeamAttribute
Requires the command to be invoked by a member of the team that owns the bot.
- RequireUserPermissionAttribute
Requires the user invoking the command to have a specified permission.
- RequiredInputAttribute
Sets the input as required or optional.
- RestInteractionModuleBase<T>
Provides a base class for a Rest based command module to inherit from.
- ResxLocalizationManager
The default localization provider for Resx files.
- RuntimeResult
Represents the base class for creating command result containers.
- ShardedInteractionContext
The sharded variant of SocketInteractionContext.
- ShardedInteractionContext<TInteraction>
The sharded variant of SocketInteractionContext<TInteraction>.
- SlashCommandAttribute
Create an Slash Application Command.
- SlashCommandInfo
Represents the info class of an attribute based method for command type Slash.
- SlashCommandParameterInfo
Represents the parameter info class for SlashCommandInfo commands.
- SocketInteractionContext
Represents a Web-Socket based context of an IDiscordInteraction
- SocketInteractionContext<TInteraction>
Represents a Web-Socket based context of an IDiscordInteraction.
- SummaryAttribute
Customize the name and description of an Slash Application Command parameter.
- TextInputComponentInfo
Represents the InputComponentInfo class for TextInput type.
- TypeConverter
Base class for creating TypeConverters. InteractionService uses TypeConverters to interface with Slash Command parameters.
- TypeConverter<T>
Base class for creating TypeConverters. InteractionService uses TypeConverters to interface with Slash Command parameters.
- TypeReader
Base class for creating TypeConverters. InteractionService uses TypeConverters to interface with Slash Command parameters.
- TypeReader<T>
Base class for creating TypeConverters. InteractionService uses TypeConverters to interface with Slash Command parameters.
- UserCommandAttribute
Create an User Context Command.
- UserCommandInfo
Represents the info class of an attribute based method for command type User.
- AutocompletionResult
Contains the information of a Autocomplete Interaction result.
- ExecuteResult
Contains information of the command's overall execution result.
- SearchResult<T>
Contains information of a command search.
- TypeConverterResult
Represents a result type for ReadAsync(IInteractionContext, IApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption, IServiceProvider).
- IApplicationCommandInfo
Represents a InteractionService command that can be registered to Discord.
- IAutocompleteHandler
Represent a Autocomplete handler object that can be executed to generate parameter suggestions.
- ICommandInfo
Represent a command information object that can be executed.
- IInteractionModuleBase
Represents a generic interaction module base.
- ILocalizationManager
Represents a localization provider for Discord Application Commands.
- IParameterInfo
Represents a ICommandInfo parameter.
- IResult
Contains information of the result related to a command.
- ContextType
Defines the type of command context (i.e. where the command is being executed).
- InteractionCommandError
Defines the type of error a command can throw.
- LocalizationTarget
Resource targets for localization.
- RunMode
Specifies the behavior of the command execution workflow.
- SlashCommandChoiceType
Supported types of pre-defined parameter choices.
- ComplexParameterInitializer
Represents a cached argument constructor delegate.
- ExecuteCallback
Represents a cached method execution delegate.
- ModalInitializer
Represents a cached object initialization delegate.
- RestResponseCallback
Represents a cached delegate for creating interaction responses to webhook based Discord Interactions.