Table of Contents

Class RestAutocompleteInteraction


Represents a REST-based autocomplete interaction.

public class RestAutocompleteInteraction : RestInteraction, IAutocompleteInteraction, IDiscordInteraction, ISnowflakeEntity, IEntity<ulong>
Inherited Members
Extension Methods



Gets the autocomplete data of this interaction.

public RestAutocompleteInteractionData Data { get; }

Property Value



Defer(bool, RequestOptions)

public override string Defer(bool ephemeral = false, RequestOptions options = null)


ephemeral bool
options RequestOptions



FollowupAsync(string, Embed[], bool, bool, AllowedMentions, MessageComponent, Embed, RequestOptions, PollProperties)

Sends a followup message for this interaction.

public override Task<RestFollowupMessage> FollowupAsync(string text = null, Embed[] embeds = null, bool isTTS = false, bool ephemeral = false, AllowedMentions allowedMentions = null, MessageComponent components = null, Embed embed = null, RequestOptions options = null, PollProperties poll = null)


text string

The text of the message to be sent.

embeds Embed[]

A array of embeds to send with this response. Max 10.

isTTS bool

true if the message should be read out by a text-to-speech reader, otherwise false.

ephemeral bool

true if the response should be hidden to everyone besides the invoker of the command, otherwise false.

allowedMentions AllowedMentions

The allowed mentions for this response.

components MessageComponent

A MessageComponent to be sent with this response.

embed Embed

A single embed to send with this response. If this is passed alongside an array of embeds, the single embed will be ignored.

options RequestOptions

The request options for this response.

poll PollProperties

A poll to send with the message.



A task that represents an asynchronous send operation for delivering the message. The task result contains the sent message.

FollowupWithFileAsync(FileAttachment, string, Embed[], bool, bool, AllowedMentions, MessageComponent, Embed, RequestOptions, PollProperties)

Sends a followup message for this interaction.

public override Task<RestFollowupMessage> FollowupWithFileAsync(FileAttachment attachment, string text = null, Embed[] embeds = null, bool isTTS = false, bool ephemeral = false, AllowedMentions allowedMentions = null, MessageComponent components = null, Embed embed = null, RequestOptions options = null, PollProperties poll = null)


attachment FileAttachment

The attachment containing the file and description.

text string

The text of the message to be sent.

embeds Embed[]

A array of embeds to send with this response. Max 10.

isTTS bool

true if the message should be read out by a text-to-speech reader, otherwise false.

ephemeral bool

true if the response should be hidden to everyone besides the invoker of the command, otherwise false.

allowedMentions AllowedMentions

The allowed mentions for this response.

components MessageComponent

A MessageComponent to be sent with this response.

embed Embed

A single embed to send with this response. If this is passed alongside an array of embeds, the single embed will be ignored.

options RequestOptions

The request options for this response.

poll PollProperties

A poll to send with the message.



A task that represents an asynchronous send operation for delivering the message. The task result contains the sent message.

FollowupWithFileAsync(Stream, string, string, Embed[], bool, bool, AllowedMentions, MessageComponent, Embed, RequestOptions, PollProperties)

Sends a followup message for this interaction.

public override Task<RestFollowupMessage> FollowupWithFileAsync(Stream fileStream, string fileName, string text = null, Embed[] embeds = null, bool isTTS = false, bool ephemeral = false, AllowedMentions allowedMentions = null, MessageComponent components = null, Embed embed = null, RequestOptions options = null, PollProperties poll = null)


fileStream Stream

The file to upload.

fileName string

The file name of the attachment.

text string

The text of the message to be sent.

embeds Embed[]

A array of embeds to send with this response. Max 10.

isTTS bool

true if the message should be read out by a text-to-speech reader, otherwise false.

ephemeral bool

true if the response should be hidden to everyone besides the invoker of the command, otherwise false.

allowedMentions AllowedMentions

The allowed mentions for this response.

components MessageComponent

A MessageComponent to be sent with this response.

embed Embed

A single embed to send with this response. If this is passed alongside an array of embeds, the single embed will be ignored.

options RequestOptions

The request options for this response.

poll PollProperties

A poll to send with the message.



A task that represents an asynchronous send operation for delivering the message. The task result contains the sent message.

FollowupWithFileAsync(string, string, string, Embed[], bool, bool, AllowedMentions, MessageComponent, Embed, RequestOptions, PollProperties)

Sends a followup message for this interaction.

public override Task<RestFollowupMessage> FollowupWithFileAsync(string filePath, string fileName = null, string text = null, Embed[] embeds = null, bool isTTS = false, bool ephemeral = false, AllowedMentions allowedMentions = null, MessageComponent components = null, Embed embed = null, RequestOptions options = null, PollProperties poll = null)


filePath string

The file to upload.

fileName string

The file name of the attachment.

text string

The text of the message to be sent.

embeds Embed[]

A array of embeds to send with this response. Max 10.

isTTS bool

true if the message should be read out by a text-to-speech reader, otherwise false.

ephemeral bool

true if the response should be hidden to everyone besides the invoker of the command, otherwise false.

allowedMentions AllowedMentions

The allowed mentions for this response.

components MessageComponent

A MessageComponent to be sent with this response.

embed Embed

A single embed to send with this response. If this is passed alongside an array of embeds, the single embed will be ignored.

options RequestOptions

The request options for this response.

poll PollProperties

A poll to send with the message.



A task that represents an asynchronous send operation for delivering the message. The task result contains the sent message.

FollowupWithFilesAsync(IEnumerable<FileAttachment>, string, Embed[], bool, bool, AllowedMentions, MessageComponent, Embed, RequestOptions, PollProperties)

Sends a followup message for this interaction.

public override Task<RestFollowupMessage> FollowupWithFilesAsync(IEnumerable<FileAttachment> attachments, string text = null, Embed[] embeds = null, bool isTTS = false, bool ephemeral = false, AllowedMentions allowedMentions = null, MessageComponent components = null, Embed embed = null, RequestOptions options = null, PollProperties poll = null)


attachments IEnumerable<FileAttachment>

A collection of attachments to upload.

text string

The text of the message to be sent.

embeds Embed[]

A array of embeds to send with this response. Max 10.

isTTS bool

true if the message should be read out by a text-to-speech reader, otherwise false.

ephemeral bool

true if the response should be hidden to everyone besides the invoker of the command, otherwise false.

allowedMentions AllowedMentions

The allowed mentions for this response.

components MessageComponent

A MessageComponent to be sent with this response.

embed Embed

A single embed to send with this response. If this is passed alongside an array of embeds, the single embed will be ignored.

options RequestOptions

The request options for this response.

poll PollProperties

A poll to send with the message.



A task that represents an asynchronous send operation for delivering the message. The task result contains the sent message.

Respond(RequestOptions, params AutocompleteResult[])

Responds to this interaction with a set of choices.

public string Respond(RequestOptions options = null, params AutocompleteResult[] result)


options RequestOptions

The request options for this response.

result AutocompleteResult[]

The set of choices for the user to pick from. A max of 25 choices are allowed. Passing null for this argument will show the executing user that there is no choices for their autocompleted input.



A string that contains json to write back to the incoming http request.

Respond(IEnumerable<AutocompleteResult>, RequestOptions)

Responds to this interaction with a set of choices.

public string Respond(IEnumerable<AutocompleteResult> result, RequestOptions options = null)


result IEnumerable<AutocompleteResult>

The set of choices for the user to pick from. A max of 25 choices are allowed. Passing null for this argument will show the executing user that there is no choices for their autocompleted input.

options RequestOptions

The request options for this response.



A string that contains json to write back to the incoming http request.

Respond(string, Embed[], bool, bool, AllowedMentions, MessageComponent, Embed, RequestOptions, PollProperties)

public override string Respond(string text = null, Embed[] embeds = null, bool isTTS = false, bool ephemeral = false, AllowedMentions allowedMentions = null, MessageComponent components = null, Embed embed = null, RequestOptions options = null, PollProperties poll = null)


text string
embeds Embed[]
isTTS bool
ephemeral bool
allowedMentions AllowedMentions
components MessageComponent
embed Embed
options RequestOptions
poll PollProperties



RespondWithModal(Modal, RequestOptions)

public override string RespondWithModal(Modal modal, RequestOptions options = null)


modal Modal
options RequestOptions

