Namespace Discord.Commands
- AliasAttribute
Marks the aliases for a command.
- ChannelTypeReader<T>
A TypeReader for parsing objects implementing IChannel.
- CommandAttribute
Marks the execution information for a command.
- CommandContext
The context of a command which may contain the client, user, guild, channel, and message.
- CommandException
The exception that is thrown if another exception occurs during a command execution.
- CommandInfo
Provides the information of a command.
- CommandService
Provides a framework for building Discord commands.
- CommandServiceConfig
Represents a configuration class for CommandService.
- CommandServiceExtensions
Provides extension methods for the CommandService class.
- DoHierarchyCheckAttribute
Ensures that command parameters are passed within a correct hierarchical context.
- DontAutoLoadAttribute
Prevents the marked module from being loaded automatically.
- DontInjectAttribute
Prevents the marked property from being injected into a module.
- GroupAttribute
Marks the module as a command group.
- MessageExtensions
Provides extension methods for IUserMessage that relates to commands.
- MessageTypeReader<T>
A TypeReader for parsing objects implementing IMessage.
- ModuleBase
Provides a base class for a command module to inherit from.
- ModuleBase<T>
Provides a base class for a command module to inherit from.
- ModuleInfo
Provides the information of a module.
- NameAttribute
Marks the public name of a command, module, or parameter.
- NamedArgumentTypeAttribute
Instructs the command system to treat command parameters of this type as a collection of named arguments matching to its properties.
- OverrideTypeReaderAttribute
Marks the Type to be read by the specified TypeReader.
- ParameterInfo
Provides the information of a parameter.
- ParameterPreconditionAttribute
Requires the parameter to pass the specified precondition before execution can begin.
- PreconditionAttribute
Requires the module or class to pass the specified precondition before execution can begin.
- PreconditionResult
Represents a result type for command preconditions.
- PriorityAttribute
Sets priority of commands.
- RemainderAttribute
Marks the input to not be parsed by the parser.
- RemarksAttribute
Attaches remarks to your commands.
- RequireBotPermissionAttribute
Requires the bot to have a specific permission in the channel a command is invoked in.
- RequireContextAttribute
Requires the command to be invoked in a specified context (e.g. in guild, DM).
- RequireNsfwAttribute
Requires the command to be invoked in a channel marked NSFW.
- RequireOwnerAttribute
Requires the command to be invoked by the owner of the bot.
- RequireRoleAttribute
Requires the user invoking the command to have a specified role.
- RequireUserPermissionAttribute
Requires the user invoking the command to have a specified permission.
- RoleTypeReader<T>
A TypeReader for parsing objects implementing IRole.
- ShardedCommandContext
The sharded variant of ICommandContext, which may contain the client, user, guild, channel, and message.
- SocketCommandContext
Represents a WebSocket-based context of a command. This may include the client, guild, channel, user, and message.
- SummaryAttribute
Attaches a summary to your command.
- TypeReader
Defines a reader class that parses user input into a specified type.
- UserTypeReader<T>
A TypeReader for parsing objects implementing IUser.
- ExecuteResult
Contains information of the command's overall execution result.
- ParseResult
Contains information for the parsing result from the command service's parser.
- ICommandContext
Represents a context of a command. This may include the client, guild, channel, user, and message.
- IModuleBase
Represents a generic module base.
- IResult
Contains information of the result related to a command.
- CommandError
Defines the type of error a command can throw.
- ContextType
Defines the type of command context (i.e. where the command is being executed).
- MultiMatchHandling
Specifies the behavior when multiple matches are found during the command parsing stage.
- RunMode
Specifies the behavior of the command execution workflow.